Almost about a year ago (April 2016) I came up with yet another idea, now known as CricHeroes and about 6 months ago (Oct 2016) we launched the first version of the product.
A lot of things have happened in this period. Like we raised money just on an idea, built the MVP in about 4 months, raised one more round of funding at 5x valuation when we had minimal traction, reached 50000 registered users in 6 months and won praises from a lot of people especially from almost every one of our users.
But this post is not about how did we raise fund just on an idea or how did we reach 50000 users in 6 months. This post is about WHY? As it happens, we don’t do anything in Digicorp without asking why to ourselves. Only after we are satisfied with why, we move on to what and how.
So let me explain why the world and especially India(ns) need CricHeroes.
India is a cricket crazy nation.
Everyday thousands of cricket matches are played by amateur cricketers in India and all around the world.
These matches are played in local societies, streets, barren lands, college grounds, beaches, and many a times even on the roads.
They are played using plastic balls, rubber balls, tennis balls or season balls.
They are 5-over, 10-over, 16-over or even 50-over matches.
They are played with shoes, without shoes,
with uniforms, without uniforms,
with stumps, without stumps.
They are played just for fun, for passing time, as a ritual or for making a career, but one thing is common — they are all played passionately.
It is this passion CricHeroes wants to capture and build a platform for millions of amateur cricketers all around the world. And that is why CricHeroes should exist.
Not convinced? Just watch following video and you won’t have any doubt after that.
Now convinced? Well, we were and started building CricHeroes. Today we are partially successful in capturing this passion. But there is still a long way to go.
I am Dhaval Jain, SEO All-Rounder at CricHeroes.
CricHeroes is an ultimate Cricket Scoring App and the world’s only true Cricket Network. With more than 30 million registered cricketers using CricHeroes to Live Score their Local Cricket Matches and Tournaments, CricHeroes is already the number one Cricket Scoring App in the world!
We also introduce “The Dressing Room” by CricHeroes, a premier store for cricket apparel and accessories that enhances the cricketing experience for players.